Since I started volunteering at a very well known historic house – part of the eritage trail near me, I have noticed so much more about the importance of well fitting and streamlined windows and doors.  Neither subject have given me a huge amount to worry about over my adulthood.  Well, a couple of old flats had really ghastly, badly fitting wingle glazed sash windows from when the properties were built, all three nearing the end of the 20th Century.  Victorian pioneering with housing the poor and not so pore working families.  Today we won’t even look at an old house that doesn’t have replacement windows and doors.  Aesthetics don’t ome in to this – the older, more badly fitting window or door, the more the wind and rain can get in to the room and the colder and more damp the cold windows and doors make the room.  The chances of chest infections quadruple at this point too.